Shipping for Blue Miracle Products: 1-2 Business Days
Blue Miracle products are shipped directly from our own warehouse, ensuring faster delivery times. Orders containing Blue Miracle products are dispatched within 1-2 business days, so you can quickly enjoy the high-quality products our brand offers.
For both Blue Miracle products and items from other brands, we will email you a tracking number, usually one day after your order has been placed.
Standard International Shipping for Non-Blue Miracle Brands: 8-20 Business Days
We source our products from various suppliers across the US, Europe, and Asia, which allows us to offer wholesale prices and high-quality products with great design. Since we ship from multiple warehouses, the estimated delivery time is 9-15 business days for items that may ship from international warehouses. All orders for non-Blue Miracle brands are dispatched from our warehouse within 3 days. We are continuously working to improve our logistics processes to offer faster shipping times for non-Blue Miracle products in the future.